Thursday, December 10, 2015

NASA’s Exploration Mission-1 | SLS Deep Space Rocket & Orion

Johnson Space Center 2015 Highlights | NASA

The Great Orion Nebula (M42)

Daytime Moon Meets Morning Star (Venus)

My planet from space | European Space Agency

Comet Catalina to Pass by Earth for Final Time

Comet Catalina and Venus: View from Canary Islands

Orion Belt and Sword Mosaic

Arizona Winter Milky Way with Airglow

Comet Catalina near Venus

White Sands Test Facility: New Mexico | International Space Station

NASA Ames: Mountain View, California | International Space Station

NASA TV in UltraHD! NASA Launches Go Ultra-High Definition!

NASA Wallops in Virginia | International Space Station

NASA Glenn Research Center in Ohio | International Space Station

Venus from the International Space Station (new high-res version) | A Tribute to Japan's Akatsuki spacecraft achieving orbit at Venus!

A Cygnus Christmas Delivery | International Space Station

Cygnus Docking Brings Happiness | International Space Station

U.S. Supply Ship Attached to International Space Station | NASA TV

NASA Scientists Applaud Japanese Spacecraft Akatsuki’s Successful Rendezvous with Venus | Congratulations, JAXA!

Occator Crater in Perspective | NASA's Dawn Mission

Ceres Rotation and Occator Crater | NASA's Dawn Mission

Ceres' Occator Crater in false colors | NASA's Dawn Mission

Space Station Expedition 46-47 Prime & Backup Crew Members

UK Astronaut Tim Peake in Pre-launch Tests at Baikonur

Soyuz Spacecraft and Rocket Upper Stage Combined

Upper stage of Soyuz booster rocket | Expedition 46-47 Crew

Soyuz TMA-19M Spacecraft for Expedition 46-47 Crew

Fort Simpson float planes and Aurora

ESA Juice mission: Deal signed to build Jupiter probe | BBC News

British astronaut Tim Peake: How he gets to space and back | BBC

Orbital ATK Cygnus cargo ship arrives! | International Space Station

U.S. Cargo Craft Arrives at International Space Station | NASA

Interacting galaxy NGC 5291: Close-up view | ESO

Zooming in on interacting galaxy system NGC 5291 | ESO

Interacting galaxy NGC 5291: Wide-field view | ESO

The surroundings of the interacting galaxy NGC 5291 (labeled)

The surroundings of the interacting galaxy NGC 5291 | ESO

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Prometheus at Saturn | NASA Cassini Mission

Mimas, Enceladus and Tethys at Saturn | NASA Cassini Mission

Metallic reflections: Sunlight on water | International Space Station

Space Station Stories: A World of Possibilities | NASA

NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center’s F-15D Eagle Follows OLYMPEX Science Mission

Dunes & old volcanic flow | International Space Station

Desert flows like a river | International Space Station

Cygnus Launch to Space Station: Atlas V OA-4 Highlights | ULA

Canadarm2 Close-up | International Space Station

Sunrise: One of 16 today | International Space Station

India's Mars Orbiter Captures Olympus Mons | ISRO

NASA Parabolic Air Flight: Nov. 18, 2015 | Photo Gallery

NASA Parabolic Air Flight: Nov. 18, 2015 | Photo of The Week

Istanbul, Turkey at night | International Space Station

South India and Sri Lanka by moonlight | International Space Station

Moon Passes in Front of Venus: View from Hollywood

Monday, December 07, 2015

The Blues | International Space Station

Orbital ATK Cygnus Supply Spacecraft Launches to Space Station

Cygnus at sunset | International Space Station

Launch of Orbital ATK CRS-4 Cygnus Mission

Launch of the S.S. Deke Slayton II to Resupply the International Space Station | Orbital ATK

Atlas V CRS-4 Cygnus Rocket Diagram | United Launch Alliance

Atlas V Rocket CRS-4 Cygnus Launch | United Launch Alliance

Atlas V Rocket: Liquid Oxygen Venting | Orbital ATK Cygnus Launch

Atlas V Rocket 'Field of Dreams': Orbital ATK Cygnus Launch

Cygnus Launch Today Sunday, Dec. 6: Forecast 70 Percent ‘Go’

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Spectacular Sunrises | Japanese Astronaut Kimiya Yui | International Space Station

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Teeny Tiny Planet Destroyer | Space Scoop | NASA Chandra

Cyclone Chapala Approaching Landfall in Yemen | NASA Aqua

Tropical Cyclone Chapala | EUMETSAT

Cloud vortices | NASA Aqua Satellite

Qatar | International Space Station

Sinai Peninsula, Egypt | International Space Station

Earth Aurora at Night | International Space Station

15 Years and Counting! | International Space Station

Happy Birthday to the International Space Station!

Lakes of Tibet, China | International Space Station

Looking Back: International Space Station at Start of Expedition 1

It's the International Space Station's 15th Anniversary! | NASA

Earth's Thin Blue Atmosphere | International Space Station

The Khangai mountains, Mongolia: V2 | International Space Station

The Khangai mountains, Mongolia: V1 | International Space Station

The International Space Station: A Musical | NASA Happy 15th Anniversary!

15 Years of Continuous Human Presence Aboard the International Space Station: 15th Anniversary Infographic | NASA

International Space Station Crew Celebrates 15 Years of Human Space Exploration in Low-Earth Orbit!

Autumn Aurora

Sunset Panorama at La Silla Observatory in Chile

Fog and low cloud over Europe | EUMETSAT

At the center of the tuning fork | Hubble Space Telescope

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Seeing the Sun 16 times per day. | International Space Station

Spectacular Earth View | International Space Station

Kjell Working on Spacewalk | International Space Station

Neta Snook Southern at NASA's Ames Research Center: 1980

Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE): 1997 | NASA

LASRE Pod Mounted to SR-71: 1996 | NASA

Aurora in Lofoten, Northern Norway: View 3

Aurora in Lofoten, Northern Norway: View 2

Aurora in Lofoten, Northern Norway: View 1

The Moon vs. Earth Aurora | International Space Station

NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover View of Gale Crater Rim | JPL

Saturn's Moon Enceladus: Geysers in Action | NASA Cassini Mission

Tibetan Glacier Ice Lake at Night

Paris, France | International Space Station

The Milky Way Over Monument Valley

The Milky Way over Kaza Valley, India

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Corsica & Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea | International Space Station

Blue sunrise | International Space Station

Mammatus Clouds Over Saskatchewan, Canada

Launch of NASA Cassini Spacecraft to Saturn: 1997 | JPL

Typhoon Koppu | International Space Station

Solar Array Sunset | International Space Station

Sahara: The Greatest Desert - Pic 9 | International Space Station

Sahara: The Greatest Desert - Pic 8 | International Space Station

Sahara: The Greatest Desert - Pic 7 | International Space Station

Sahara: The Greatest Desert - Pic 6 | International Space Station

Sahara: The Greatest Desert - Pic 5 | International Space Station

Sahara: The Greatest Desert - Pic 4 | International Space Station

Sahara: The Greatest Desert - Pic 3 | International Space Station

Sahara: The Greatest Desert - Pic 2 | International Space Station

Aurora Borealis in Senja, Norway: View 4

Aurora Borealis in Senja, Norway: View 3

Aurora Borealis in Senja, Norway: View 2

Aurora Borealis in Senja, Norway: View 1

"Life on Mars: The European Space Agency" | CNBC International

Mammatus clouds in Nepal

Comet Lovejoy Image Series

Inside NASA's Kennedy Space Center! | Week of Oct. 16, 2015

Sahara: Across the Greatest Desert | International Space Station morning in your eyes! | International Space Station

"Chaos in Norway's sky"

Aurora Australis: The Southern Lights in New Zealand | View 2

Aurora Australis: The Southern Lights in New Zealand | View 1

Bright Spiral Galaxy M81

Massive Solar Plume | NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory

Pluto’s Puzzling Patterns and Pits | NASA's New Horizons Mission

NASA's Webb "Pathfinder Telescope" Successfully Completes First Super-Cold Optical Test

Goodnight to the Himalayas | International Space Station

Hefty Prominence Eruption on The Sun [Video] | NASA's SDO

Hefty Prominence Eruption | NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory

The other side of The Himalayas | International Space Station

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Journey to Mars: An international effort on This Week @NASA

Destination: Moon | European Space Agency

Beautiful Himalayas | International Space Station

Desert Lake Near Himalayas | International Space Station

Building NASA's Deep Space Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicles

Standing on the Edge of the Bay: 1993 | NASA

Scott Kelly Becomes U.S. Astronaut to Spend the Most Time in Space

Scott Kelly Breaks US Astronaut Most Time in Space Record | NASA | Congratulations, Scott! Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

NASA's Space to Ground: Spacewalk Preps | Week of 10/16/2015

Sentinel-1A satellite mosaic of Europe | European Space Agency

Deep blue Red Sea reefs | Sentinel-2 | Earth from Space | ESA

Deep blue Red Sea reefs | Sentinel-2A | European Space Agency

The Himalayas | International Space Station

Craters Crowd the North of Saturn Moon Enceladus | NASA Cassini

Saturnian Snowman on Icy Moon Enceladus | NASA Cassini Mission

Everlasting Sun | International Space Station

NASA New Horizons Team Publishes First Research Paper in 'Science,' Describing Numerous Pluto System Findings

Saturn's Ocean Moon Enceladus: Global View | NASA Cassini

North Pole of Saturn's Ocean Moon Enceladus | NASA Cassini

Real Martians Moment: Training like an Astronaut | NASA

Why would astronauts need a rover on Mars? | NASA

Industrialized China Series: Picture 10 | International Space Station

Industrialized China Series: Picture 9 | International Space Station

Industrialized China Series: Picture 8 | International Space Station

Industrialized China Series: Picture 7 | International Space Station

Industrialized China Series: Picture 6 | International Space Station

Industrialized China Series: Picture 5 | International Space Station

Industrialized China Series: Picture 4 | International Space Station

Industrialized China Series: Picture 3 | International Space Station

Industrialized China Series: Picture 2 | International Space Station

Industrialized China Series: Picture 1 | International Space Station

The U.S. East Coast | International Space Station

A Cosmonaut enjoying fresh fruit | International Space Station

Astana, Kazakhstan | International Space Station

Seoul, Korea | International Space Station

Cosmonauts: serious about fresh fruit | International Space Station

The Atlantic Ocean | International Space Station

Goodnight to Day 201 | International Space Station

Earth beauty | International Space Station

Baja, California, Mexico | International Space Station

Tropical Storms Koppu & Champi, Pacific Ocean | EUMETSAT

The Mediterranean Sea | International Space Station

Part of the Coalsack Nebula (fulldome)

A close look at part of the Coalsack Nebula

The Coalsack Nebula: Wide-field view

Zooming in on the dark and dusty Coalsack Nebula

Part of The Coalsack Nebula

A Gegenschein Lunar Eclipse

Mars Curiosity Rover's Self-Portrait at 'Big Sky' Drilling Site | NASA | International Space Station

Weightless Lifting | International Space Station

A Little Light | International Space Station

NASA Animation of Upcoming Cassini Enceladus Flyby at Saturn

Enormous Coronal Hole on The Sun | NASA's SDO

Solar Activity: Last 48 hours on The Sun | NASA SDO

Coronal Hole Front & Center on The Sun | NASA SDO

Real Martians Moment: Mars 2020 Rover and Astrobiology | NASA

NASA Cassini Spacecraft Begins Series of Flybys with Close-up of Saturn Moon Enceladus

Favorite Moon Phases of 2015

Favorite Moon Phases of 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Blanco 4-meter Telescope in Chile

Moving features on Jupiter | Hubble Space Telescope

Hubble’s planetary portrait captures changes in Jupiter’s Great Red Spot: Animation

Hubble’s planetary portrait captures changes in Jupiter’s Great Red Spot: View 2

Hubble’s planetary portrait captures changes in Jupiter’s Great Red Spot: View 1

NASA Space Shuttle Endeavour with Columbia Ferry Flyby: 1994

Inside NASA's Kennedy Space Center! | Week of Oct. 9, 2015

Chesterman Beach under The Milky Way

Outbursts from a newborn star

Elegant spiral galaxy hides a hungry monster | Hubble

A clear night at Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada

Storming Aurora in Norway

The Elephant's Trunk in IC 1396

Night Larch

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Aurora in Fairbanks, Alaska, USA

Aurora in Tromsø, Norway: October 6, 2015

Planets and The Moon Together: View from The UK

Real Martians Moment: Robotics-Improving The Way That Humans Work in Space | NASA

Rugby Match: Kimiya vs. Kjell | International Space Station

Rising Moon & Aurora | International Space Station

Aurora Dancing | International Space Station

Australian Earth Art: Picture 11 | International Space Station

Australian Earth Art: Picture 10 | International Space Station

Australian Earth Art: Picture 9 | International Space Station

Australian Earth Art: Picture 8 | International Space Station

Australian Earth Art: Picture 7 | International Space Station

Australian Earth Art: Picture 6 | International Space Station

Australian Earth Art: Picture 5 | International Space Station

Australian Earth Art: Picture 4 | International Space Station

Australian Earth Art: Picture 3 | International Space Station

Australian Earth Art: Picture 2 | International Space Station

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Australian Earth Art: Picture 1 | International Space Station

Real Martian Moments: Designing the Orion Spacecraft | NASA

A Galaxy, Stars, and Dust

Simeis 147: The Spaghetti Nebula!

Earth Art: "Autumn releaf" | International Space Station

Planetary Conjunction: Venus, Mars & Jupiter

Lights for Friends: The Northern Lights in Real-time | Ultra HD Video

"Massive Attack" in Tromsø, Norway

International Space Station over Red Deer River, Alberta, Canada

Earth Glitter | International Space Station

Inside NASA's Kennedy Space Center! | Week of Oct. 9, 2015